Your Career & You

Natalie Waugh - Leaving An Abusive Relationship to Making a New Life in a New Country

August 18, 2020 Helen Tucker

How do you muster up the courage to leave an abusive relationship, travel thousands of miles to start a new life in a new country, keep motivated to navigate your way around looking for work in the midst of the COVID pandemic, with a 3 year old child?  Listen how Natalie Waugh did this and how she is going all the way to make an amazing life for herself and her daughter. She is inspiring, motivating and a phenomenal woman, having sheer tenacity in making impressive strides to achieve her goals!

For more information and support if you are in a similar situation then see the link below that Natalie recommends:

The website which Natalie recommends is 

Raising awareness of all forms of domestic abuse from cradle to grave. Governments, civil agencies, and society together must do more to stamp out this devastating crime that destroys lives. 

There is a blog on there about managing your own health and wellbeing in times of struggle, which listeners and viewers might find useful.