Your Career & You

Winnie Mirriam - Building an organisation from a position of passion and purpose!

Helen Tucker Season 1 Episode 6

Winnie Mirriam Foundation (WMF) was established and registered in Kenya as an NGO in 2019, although prior to this, the founders could reach out to and serve the needy through benevolent activities including payment of School fees to bright but needy students in High School and Tertiary Colleges, Supply of Sanitary towels to less privileged girls in Primary and High Schools through their own resources, mentorship and career guidance to students and graduates as well as job placements, acts that led to birth of WMF as an organization.

These voluntary activities attracted more people to participate and the vision translated to the establishment of Winnie Mirriam Foundation (WMF) to enable them carry out the activities and even more in a legal, coordinated and professional manner so as to reach more beneficiaries.

WMF is growing and providing support to vulnerable youths, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), women, and less privileged youths in different parts of the country. These beneficiaries have been reached through various programs including education scholarships, education subsidies, provision of sanitary towels, SGBV Campaigns, students mentorship and career guidance, psychosocial support to pupils and students in all educational institutions, shelter, vocational training support, entrepreneurship training, initiation of businesses and income generating activities, and linkage to the job market through internships and attachments.

The work of WMF is being made possible through resources mobilized from various institutional partners and donors, other charities, and individual donors who share in Winnie's dream vision.

Contact Winnie