Your Career & You

Jasmine Navarro - Havng Grit and a Sense of Humour to Change Your Career!

Helen Tucker

Jasmine is a Co Active Life Coach and English language teacher from the UK. She studied Modern Languages (English and Spanish) at university.  She has been living abroad for over fifteen years and has lived and worked in Venezuela, The USA, England, Turkey, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia,  Saudi, and now The United Arab Emirates. Her diverse background and experience has enabled her to relate to all walks of life.

Her passion is inspiring others to live their best life. She believes telling her stories can healing and give others the courage to live the life they truly deserve. She believes having grit and a sense of humor in life are key. Hear how she has taken control of her career and navigating her way to becoming a qualified Co-Active Coach.

Contact Jasmine IG @withnava